Doll Services commitment to safety is an integral part of our infrastructure. We take a proactive approach to safety to make the best possible efforts towards accident prevention, safety compliance, and health protection. It is our policy to perform every project in the safest possible manner in an attempt to prevent accidents and injuries. We believe that all accidents can be prevented provided that potential safety hazards are recognized, reported to the appropriate person, and remediated immediately.
Doll Services Safety Program is integrated into every aspect of the job, not just another safety manual on a shelf. Together with our third party safety management firm, trained project managers and a dedicated team of key field personnel, we at Doll Services systematically work together to make sure everyone goes home safe each and every day.

In an effort to uphold our safety standards, DOLL Services practices include the following:
- Development and distribution of all safety procedures
- Continuing Safety education and training
- Site specific safety plans
- Jobsite safety inspection audits
- Near Miss Reporting System
- Accident and Incident Investigations
- Safety Disciplinary Policy and Corrective Actions
- New Hire safety training and orientation
- Drug and Alcohol testing